Defense Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday stated in the Lok Sabha on the tension between India-China on the Line of Actual Control Line (LAC) in Ladakh. On the issue of tension with China, the opposition has constantly been demanding statements from the government. Come, know the big things about the statement of the Defense Minister.
In the Lok Sabha, Rajnath Singh said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to Ladakh and met military personnel. He had also given the message that he is standing with brave soldiers. I, too, went to Ladakh and spent time with the jawans. I want to tell you that he also felt his courage, bravery, and valor. You know, Colonel Santosh made the supreme sacrifice while protecting the motherland.
On the agreement with China, Rajnath Singh said that it had been said that the Line of Actual Control Line would not be breached until the border is completely resolved. From 1990-2003, an effort was made to make a joint agreement between two countries, but China did not move in this direction. April saw an increase in Chinese troops and weapons along the Ladakh border. Our patrol was obstructed by the Chinese army, due to which it has been located. The Defense Minister said that the brave soldiers have caused heavy damage to the Chinese army and guarded the border. The soldiers showed valor where valor was needed and kept peace where peace was needed.
- Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said during his statement in the Lok Sabha that China believes that both countries have different interpretations of the traditional line. The two countries were talking about it in the 1950-60s, but no solution was found. China had occupied some land in Ladakh long ago; in addition, Pakistan also handed over some land of PoK to China, which is a big issue. Its solution should be peaceful and negotiated. It is important to maintain peace on the border.
Rajnath Singh said that since 1988 there was development in bilateral relations between the two countries. India believes that bilateral relations can also develop, and the border can also be settled. However, it can also have an impact on bilateral relations.
- Rajnath Singh stressed on peace between India and China. He said that both should maintain the old condition. Peace and harmony must be ensured. China also says the same thing, but then on the night of 29-30 August, China again attempted to infiltrate into Pangong, but our military personnel failed this attempt.
- Rajnath Singh said that India is committed to resolving disputes in the border areas peacefully. I put the situation before the Defense Minister of China on the 4th. I also said that we want to resolve this issue peacefully. We also said that we are fully committed to protecting the integrity and sovereignty of India.